Friday, January 30, 2009

Kinda long nv update le, right? :D
Hahas. Now the time is 10.33pm. -.-
So late le and yet, here I am.

Ok, today is the 30th Jan, 2009 on a FRIDAY. ^ ^
No school tmr~ But hw... T.T
Me and Lq HAVE to get on the time-machine quickly.
But, even if man DOES manage to invent something that moves faster than the speed of light, we can only travel FORWARD in time, not back.
Cause everything is slower than the speed of light. and yet we are NOT going back in time, are we? Therefore: Time travelling is IMPOSSIBLE.
Unless we all went to heaven.

I will DEFINITELY go back in time to see if dinosaurs really exists, and are destroyed by a meteorite.
I mean, according to some scientists, the START of the Earth was caused by a METEORITE.
Then why were ALL the dinosaurs destroyed?
If the dinosaurs could only live in that area, than shouldn't all the living things in the world?
Dinosaurs have those that can fly, swim, and therefore WILL have some adapted to living in extreme coldness and hotness too.
The things that some scientists say are not really reasonable- they backfire.
SO, I HAVE to go back in time to see FOR MYSELF. :D:D:D
Hahas. What am I talking about?!? DINOSAURS.
I can really get side-tracked, even by MYSELF. :p

Anyways, today had normal school, than at 12.45 we had this NYAA talk, taking up our LUNCH TIME~ T.T
But, Ms Chan let us eat until 2.35 like that. HCL was suppossed to start at 2.15~
And we only 'arrived' at 2.45~ ;p
Had to do this compre and summary. D:
Haven finished, so brought home to do~
Had to rush to choir immediately after that. And, Sj and Ls PON!!

Sj say he got something on, but still, CCA!! -.-
Ended at like 3.30 like that.
But the altos stayed and practiced till 3.45, and of course, I stayed to wait for them.

Had nothing to do, so sent 12 Vanessa Hudgens songs to my phone frm Julina~ (Listening now~)
Wanted by wl. :D

And then I took out my art, and managed to finish shading my mushroom. (:
Then me and Audrey went to Mac's to eat~ (Jr didn't like Mac's)

Met Jiayi (merlion) and Jessica there.
They made me laugh A LOT.
Jy was ALMOST a MERLION. A lot of times!!
And I was the last to finish.... Laughed really hard. :D
Then reached home at 5+pm.
Oh ya, we also went to the library to return the books that we borrowed last last week.

Note to self: Next time pull Julina or Jr with us. XD

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