Monday, September 23, 2013

Hi + iOS 7 Review (Slight)

Hello people. Been 'busy' preparing for my prelims which will be over soon... As busy as I ever was hahaha. Basically I just stayed at home and sleep, read manga, watch tv, listen to songs, eat, eat, eat, sleep and repeat. So yeah... Nothing much happened over the month so nothing to post.

I have really very bad memory for some things and unnecessarily good memory for others. Like when I'm studying for my GP exams, I just watch TedEducation videos to build up on my content knowledge. Some information just get stuck in my head while others... No matter how hard I try, I just can't force it in. So I've stopped trying to force things in and just read and watch more to increase the total influx of information haha.

Anyway, I downloaded iOS7 on my iphone 4! So let's discuss the pros and cons.

1. Slow. Not intolerably slow, but slow nevertheless. Lags for a few milliseconds when you open the multitasking.
2. Unnecessary features such as the album art appearing beside every song and tons of processes such as the control center and the notification center that just eats my battery.
3. The ADHD calender. It won't stop moving and squirming around for me to properly select the date.
4. iPhone 4 does not support blurred control and notification centers nor the 3D background, which honestly was the main reason I updated.
5. The Apple feel is lost. I feel like I'm using a Window's phone, mainly because of the new multitasking interface and the redesign of icons.

1. More efficient safari that can auto-hide the address bar and allow better tab-scrolling (aka things that google chrome had before ios 7)
2. Reminders and calender events useful now in the notification centre.
3. I LOVE THE COLOURS. (Which sadly doesn't really appear on iPhone 4.)

My lock screen      ~SO PWETTY~

I've never set a passcode for my phone before because it's so annoying to have to type something before you can use your phone, but I love the colours so much that I went and set a pascode! Just for the colours hahahaha. Yeah, I'm unique like that. xD

Basically iOS 7 erases the need for cydia tweaks. Feels like Apple is trying to include all functions of the most popular tweaks and modifications by external apps (like google chrome and cydia) in their already present functions...

My Dad bought an iPhone 5s that I reallyyy wanna play with for a bit but sadly, he's selling it. *sigh*
That evil guy waved it under my nose but I can't touch it. *SIGH*

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