Wednesday, August 11, 2010

NDP 2010

Heyy I actually promised to make this post to wantian, but it's not like anyone will see this anyways. Haha. =.=
Oh well. I can read this myself. :D

Ok well as you all know, I'm part of the NDP this year!!!!!!
Yay yay.
We've had practices every sat for a few weeks now.
It seems that adults are more intolerable of the heat than we young folks are.
I mean, they (the marching parties) stood under the sun for a mere hour? Or not even close.
3 adults fainted on one prac, while out of us 1000 students or so, 1 fainted, 2 felt ill.
And we had to sit under the sun for the WHOLE SHOW.
Haiz.. Hate this keyboard. keep having typos.

Well Mon was national day! :D
And for the show, I did NOT have any energy.
Even fell asleep during the parade (marching part) and the vehicle show.
No kidding. not the first time.
Well once the sun set we were TOTALLY HYPED.
Kept screaming, especially after the LCD performance.
I saw the youtube vid on our performance ytd.

Hahaha the real fun started once the NDP ended.
The ppl in charge held all performers back and had a party!!
We choir were super hyped and dancing like siao.
A lot of energy.
The teachers all went "See lah? Why didn't they show this kinda energy just now? Aiyo." (Real quote)
Haha. XD
Then the person in charge of everything went up to the mic and congratulated us.
We screamed our heads off. XD
Almost had a sore throat today. Aha. <3

Then some celebs and more ppl in charge came up one by one.
They brought 2 bottles of anti-alcoholic champagne.
The person in full charge (Daniel smth I think) shook the bottles very thoroughly.
And sprayed it everywhere.
Me being the first row, of course i kanna-ed!
So now my right side is full of champagne, left side dripping with water (frm previous monkeys anyhow spraying. Aargh. D< )

Was super high that day and everyone enjoyed the after-party.
For sure. :DDD
They should record that down also. See how much energy we gave off.
Danced like siao still not tired. WHOOTS!!

Oh yeah today started the common tests, had eng and combined humanities.
Tmr there's bio and e maths. JY EVERYONE!!

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