Thursday, April 20, 2017


Hello! I know I haven't posted in a loooong while (longest hiatus since the birth of the blog). I've been going through some personal struggles and I just didn't feel inspired to keep posting. I just didn't think I had anything mildly educational or entertaining to say...

I suspect I may be going through a period of dysphoria, which is a milder but longer-lasting version of depression. Frequently I feel like a failure and as if I'm not good enough, but what I can do right now is to suck it up and keep going. So... If anything happens I'll update. :)

I know you guys don't say anything but I see the constant views so, thank you for that.
(I'm the type to seldom comment too. I've only ever commented on YouTube once in my entire internet life and that was to dissuade pewdiepie from disabling comments lololol)

Anyway, I'm officially 22~ *cue T-Swift song*

*reminds self not to compare self to T-Swift bc I will get depressed again*

This summer I hope to
1) find an internship (like NOW pls)
2) find a prof for my honours thesis
3) write a damn book (i've had that resolution for, oh, 3 years now oops)

So good luck to me! And if you have the same goal(s) ^ good luck to you too. Or if you aim to sleep more, good luck to you too. We can do it!

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