Sunday, March 22, 2015

Interesting Hair Observation + Filler Girlfriend

Hi guys~ So 3 months ago I dyed my hair dark red-purple-brown colour (it was dark purple on the packaging though) and now the colour has faded to a lighter brown. My roots are completely black so the distinction between the dyed and undyed parts are pretty obvious.

When the hairs drop I realised something: the hairs that drop nowadays have a very small black part as compared to the hairs still hanging on to my scalp. That means that three months ago, a little while after I first dyed my hair, the singular hair follicle had already decided that "NO I AIN'T GONNA GROW NO MORE" but hung on until 3 months later before it finally dropped.

The time difference between growth stump (does that equate to follicle death? Idk.) and hair fall can range from a few days to a few months like wow. Ahahaha just a really random observation that intrigued me. It's like the hair had already decided a few months ago that it was gonna drop. So no matter what kind of shampoo you use (hair fall etc) cannot really do much to change the follicle's mind I guess. Maybe the shampoo causes the hair to hang on longer. Who knows (well, scientists do).

ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ  .....awkward transition...  ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Anyway. My friend recently entered this "labelled-casual-but-acts-committed" relationship with a guy who broke up with his fiance just a few months ago. He kept saying they were casual but he acted like her boyfriend and he kept giving mixed signals and really confused her. He liked to cuddle and they met up more than once a week and chat every single day... They both admitted to feelings for the other but he had a lot of excuses to keep the relationship casual. Casual my ass. She was confused and undecided for many months because she really liked him but knew that the 'relationship' would never go anywhere... She finally decided to limit their interactions and PUT THAT GUY IN HIS PLACE. You go, girl.

Anyway she sent me a webpage that perfectly described their relationship and I wanna share with all of you.

Girls. Guys. Don't become someone's Filler okay. You're worth way more than that. *sentimental me coming through MOVE* My friend made the choice to be able to tell the guy, "I'm no a la carte. I'm all or nothing."

She seems a lot happier once she got through that. This is something you have to work through yourself, because a few months back when she told me and her other friends about this guy, we all thought that she should dump his ass but she was the one who could make the final call. Only her. The most we could do was support whatever decision she made and let her rant. (It was really interesting to me, like a serial drama. xD)

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ  ...come lemme give you xoxo HAHA...  (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Alright that's all I have to say. BUH BYE GUYS.

〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 da wave... PARTAY GUYS!

Okay bye.

ヾ(@^▽^@)  *waves*   ...I love japanese emoticons... ヾ(@^▽^@) 

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