Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How To Ask For Favours

This is a very very recent pet peeve. It was only realised this morning, but tbh it's been brewing for a month or so now. So I have some friends, as I'm sure you do too, the overly polite friend who is so afraid of offending everyone and talks so damn courteously all the time and says the word "sorry" more than any other word. (Yeah that's not me. I rage in your face.) Let's call the friend A.

Anyway this afternoon A was *hinting* that A needed another friend of mine (B) and I to help A do something. This is our -altered- text conversation:

A: Hey are you in school?
Me: Yup. Having class now.
A: Oh lol okay nevermind then haha thanks.
(Okay so the polite thing is to ask what A wants but at this point I'm already sick of having to dig information out of A. So I didn't reply.)

And at the same time, A was texting B too. Same convo. But B dug for more.

B: What is it lol
A: Oh I was wondering if you could help me do A3 color lol.
But nvm.
B: What A3 color?
A: Hahaha no, just printing coloured A3 stuff.
B: Aren't you in school? Then what? How to pass to you?
A: Ahaha nope nah it's okay I'll just print it outside thanks anyway.

Do you see what I want to rage at. Like HELLO, WOMAN. You are trying to ask me for a favour WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME DIG FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO YOU A FAVOUR. It's one thing to be polite and unobtrusive but this is ridiculous. If you want a favour, ask. Don't change your mind after 2 sentences. This happens way too often that I am raging.

ALSO. This is a TEXT message exchange. Not a conversation. I don't have time for you to slowly small talk me into doing you a favour. Sure, small talk takes a minute face-to-face but IT CAN DRAG FOREVER when you're texting.

So this is how to ask me for a favour via text:

-Greetings- (eg hey, how are you....)
Straight to the point favour where I won't have any questions to ask (eg can you please help me print ______ and pass it to me later in class?)
-the end-

Ideally my answer would only be an "okay, sure" or "sorry I can't".

Please do not make people -me- work to do you a favour. I won't want to do it.

Side note, it is better to make small talk a bit before asking for a favour when dealing face-to-face or with people you are not close to. It's more polite plus body language is extremely important in making people like you. And in the real world, connections are everything.


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