Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Irritable (My friendship problem)

I need to get this out of my system. I've realized that I have friendship limits. After a period of time of being *A*'s friend, there comes a sudden and dramatic turning point in my brain that makes me so damn annoyed at A. Every single thing A does annoy me. A's speech, A's wardrobe, the sound of A's voice AND EVEN A'S FREAKING SMELL (like wth am I a dog). So. Freaking. Annoying.

And I don't like being annoyed at A! We've been friends a couple of years, been quite close, there was even a period of time where A was my best friend... Then all of a sudden, I find A so annoying I don't even want to risk asking out our mutual friends so that I don't have to see A. I don't like this. I miss liking A and having meals together and stuff. But now I can't and ugghhhh so frustrated.

A is not the only one. There've been B and C and I got annoyed for a few months and then I got over it and now we are still friends (albeit not so close), but enough that I am able to enjoy their presence ALONE.

I don't even know who to tell omggg. Can't tell our mutual friends. (I have a strict "only complain to neutral parties" policy because bad experience in secondary school.) I need advice people. Is this normal?? Or is my brain just that weird. If this behaviour translates to romantic relationships... I can never get married.

(Am supposed to be studying for my mid-terms but this is ruining my study-mood T^T)

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