Tuesday, December 8, 2015


I have a chronic case of mild(?) eczema (self-diagnosed). I went to a chinese doctor once and all she said was "you are too heaty" and I swear my face blackened immediately and I never went back.

(I didn't take any pictures but I found this online and it looks exactly like mine.)
Hand Eczema
(P.S. I googled eczema and it was gruesome. NSFW.) Yup like that, but slightly worse because the ridges were cracking and bleeding and it hurt to move my fingers at worst times. I used to have very bad cracking and bleeding in the areas behind the knees, elbows, neck, corners of mouth etc, basically anywhere that sweat could accumulate. It's better now because I forced myself to stop scratching. (Scratching ➝ bigger injuries ➝ more itchy ➝ scratching...)

Luckily for me, the main cause of my eczema was dry and oversensitive skin (which I totally blame on my nanny who bathed me in clothes detergent when I was a newborn). So, I am washing my hands less often, only using mild soap once every two days, and moisturise myself head-to-toe after every soap use. Now I still have scars and small outbreaks (around the fingers) every now and then, but it's much better already.

Products I really like:
Body wash - Johnson's baby wash or PH5.5 body wash
Shampoo - anything
Moisturiser - Johnson's baby lotion (milk + rice) it smells great and is not sticky at all, promise
(I'm like a baby)

When outbreaks happen I try to stay clear of water (it pulls moisture from breaks in the skin) and moisturise at least twice a day, or anytime it feels dried out. In Singapore's humid weather, do not use oily lotions or dirt will get stuck to your skin.

Good luck to you if you have eczema as well~ Do try to go to the doctor to get a proper diagnosis! (Unlike me ahaha)

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