Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A-Z: Friends' Quiz

So here's the thing. Answer the three questions about the first person on the list, no matter who it is or your bad history with them, you have to do it; unless it's someone you really haven't talked to, ever! If someone is repeated, then go to the second person under that letter and skip yourself when its your name in the box.  (This is on FB.)

A: Audrey Cheong
1) Do you love this person?
    Erm nope?

2) Is this person your enemy?
    No. :D

3) Would you kiss this person?
   = = No.

B:  Benson Chan
1) What do you really think of this person?

2) What's their favorite color?

3) Ever danced with them?

C: Cheryl Tan
1) Do you love this person?

2) Did this person have a crush on you?
    LOL no.

3) Where do they live?

D: Dixon Ho
1) How long have you known him/her?
    Never talk to him before.

2) When did you last see this person?

3) What color eyes does this person have?

E: Esther Low
1) Have you met their parents?

2) Worst thing about this person?
    Err. Nv talk to me?

3) Does this person hate you?
    Don't think so.

F: Fluerette Ho
1) Have you ever dated this person?

2) When is the next time you will see him/her?
    Who knows?

3) Do you go to school with them?
   Yup same schl.

G: Felix Gan
1) Is he/she a good listener?
    I think so.. He hardly ever talks.

2) Have you ever lied to this person?
    No reason to.

3) Is this person nice?
    Yeah. ^^

H: Hanna Ong
1) What grade are they in?
    Same as me. Sec 4.

2) Is he/she your friend?

3) Funniest thing this person has ever said?
    We don't talk. Period.

I: Ina Nqh
1) Do they have any siblings?
    No idea.

2) Do you know their favorite song?
    Don't bother to.

3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you?
    Scream and run.

J: Julina Tay
1) Is this person in a relationship?

2) Where do they live?
    Pasir Ris.. Dunno name.

3) What color hair does this person have?

K: Wan Suan Ko
1) Have you ever dated this person?
    Nope and never will. :D

2) Ever danced with this person?
    Yeap for Farewell Night. :D

3) Ever kissed this person?
    = = NO WAY.

L: Michelle Lim
1) What would you do if you had never met this person?
    Talk to someone else. :D

2) Do you like him/her?

3) Would you go to Disney World with this person?
    Free tickets, then YES!

M: Maureen Yong
1) Is this person older than you?
    Nope same age.

2) Do you love this person?
    YES! <3

3) Have you ever gotten caught doing something bad with this person?
    Lol no see we so guai.

N: Nicholas Makoto
1) Who is this person?
    Can't seem to rmb lol. Sry.

2) Have you seen this person cry?

3) Do you know this person's favorite sport?

O: Wei Peng Ong
1) Do they have braces?
    Don't think so..

2) When was the last time you saw him/her?
    Once upon a time.

3) Have you ever liked each other? 

P: Pow Jing Herng
1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person?

2) Are you close to this person?

3) Does this person have a job?
    = = Honestly doubt it.

Q: Bernice Quah
1) How did you meet this person?
    Same class.

2) Is he/she single?
    That's what she says...

3) Is he/she nice?
    NO! D<

R: Ryan Collegescan'tfindmewiththisname
1) Have you heard this person sing before?

2) Do you think this person will repost this?

3) What’s one thing you would change about this person?
    I don't even know who this Ryan is lol.

S: Amirah Sahrom
1) Is this person taller than you?

2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her?
    Yup she's fun!

3) Do they live close to you?
   No idea..

T: Amoz Toh
1) When is the last time you saw him/her?
    .... Almost 4 years ago.

2) Have you been to his/her house?

3) Do you like this person?
    Err. Neutral. :)

U: Numero Uno
1) Is this person your friend?
    SL sis~

2) Have you ever had secret feelings for them?

3) What kind of car do they have? 
    LOL no idea.

V: Valerie Yue
1) Do you see this person a lot?
    Yup, almost daily!

2) When did you meet her/him?
    Sec 1. :)

3) What is this person's favorite food?
    Spicy food.

W: Tng Wen Fu
1) Where did you meet this person?

2) First memory?
    Err.. He's a very funny guy.

3) When's the last time you saw him/her?
    Again, almost 4 years ago.

X: Xin Ling
1) When did you meet him/her?

2) Do they have a charming smile?

3) Do you think they can dance?

Y: Lua Yp
1 ) Is this person loud or quiet?

2) Describe this person:
     My last year chinese teacher.

3) What color eyes does this person have?
    No idea.

Z: Su Zi Sing
1) Do you have any nicknames for this person?

2) How did you meet this person?
    Sec 1 same class.

3) Ever been to this persons house?