Sunday, June 24, 2012


Am I fat???

I know I've mentioned my weight a few times before. I'm not skinny. I'm fine with that. I don't wanna be a stick (uh, no offence to anyone). I'm of average weight for short ppl.

But recently, the name calling has been getting worse. Seriously, dear DAD and BRO???
My bro says I'm fat at least 3 times a day.
My DAD says I'm fat at least once a week.


Lemme tell you, being called FAT everyday is AWFUL. It hurts, alright?
Thanks to them, even I'm starting to think that I'm fat.

I'm 1.55m (yes that short), 44kg (doesn't change much) with a BMI of 18.3.
Sure I have a tummy.

I never really bothered about my weight. If I wanted to eat, I ate. If I didn't, I don't.
I don't lose weight cause I'm dieting. I lose weight when I lose my appetite.. Or if I run out of money.

Sigh... Girls (and guys..maybe) have it tough in today's stupid, commercialised society.

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