Friday, June 1, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse?!

Humans are terrifying, horrifying, bizarre, monstrous beings. Or rather, we can be when under the wrong influence and/or choice.

Just this week alone I've heard of two cases of zombie-like behavior from the US.

1. Naked man chewed off homeless man's face

    The victim lost 75% of his face, including an eye, lips, and both ears. The plastic surgeons have no idea how to fix his face because, well, they don't have much left to work with.
    What's worse, the attacker was shot 6 times by the police before he dropped dead. SIX TIMES. What is he, a freaking zombie??
    The authorities are currently attributing this incident to drugs. (Like we've never heard that before.)
They might as well add in "CRAZY MONSTER" on his biography.

2. University Student Murdered Roommate And Devoured Victim's Heart and Brain

    WTH. That sicko. That pervert. What, animals not tasty enough for you??
    As to why he committed that sick, inhumane act, no one knows. Perhaps he played too much zombie games. Perhaps he watched to much zombie movies. Either, I think he is an insane pervert with 0 human qualities and was so influenced by today's media that he started to believe in zombies.

   And then he got curious.

   Yeah, so that's just my theory. You'll be amazed at how easily brainwashed humans actually are.

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