Thursday, June 21, 2012

Time Flies. We Can't.


For my MYE which starts on Monday. MONDAY!!!
I still have Economics and Biology which I haven't studied yet.
3 days left. So not enough. SO NOT.

Let's see where my time went, shall we?
First week: GP MYE and holiday lectures.
Second week: SLACK (for the most part) and study chemistry
Third week: Slack, study chem, welcome my cousin and grandma to sg
Fourth week: Go to Malaysia, then today.

For the record, I spent 1 week PLUS PLUS trying to understand chemistry (not like it's working) and ONE DAY to cram all my maths. And I can guarantee you that my maths will score better than my chemistry.

Because I suck at chem like that.

And then there're all the wonderful, wonderful newly-bought Blue Rays waiting, beckoning...
Temptation. Sigh..

Time flies, so fast. Sadly, we can't. We can't even hope to catch it.

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