Thursday, May 31, 2012


I am set to not have any friends until the end of college. Why? Well, because the one friend that I thought could stick with me until at least the 'A' Levels left me.

She got stolen by that old veggie. WTH CAN.

It's so obvious that old veggie is trying to steal all my friends. Why?? What is your problem??
At one time I was trying to get close to Lizard, then she stepped in and those two became best pals.
And then I became close to Ali (the one who got stolen) and then she stepped in again, totally threw away Lizard, and now those two are best pals.

Oh sure Ali tries to talk to me and all, but I'm mad. Heck, I'm more than mad. I'm furious, I'm sad, and I'm hurt.

Ali was the ONLY ONE of my JC friends (excluding Piggy they all. They know by default) that I told about what a backstabbing b*tch old veggie is. And she still let her get close???


Yeah, nice friends I have.

So, due to my best-friendless state (I'm on good terms with everyone, just no one special to stick to), I am known as the 'quiet' and 'unnoticeable' one. When I'm mad I tend to keep to myself. And I am mad most of the time now. D<


1 comment:

  1. JIAYOU!!! >< I know how you feel.. so don't give up kay? I'll side with you. :3
