Sunday, August 19, 2012


I'm becoming more stupid day by day. Most definitely due to lack of sleep.

I have thought a lot about many issues, but the moment I want to type them out, I forget what I was thinking of. Sigh... Dementia at 17 years old.

Anyway, I'm just here to do a disclaimer and scold my past self for a bit.

During the O Level period last year, I complained how stressful it was and what not. But now I just feel like telling myself and all those secondary 4 people "SHUT YER TRAP". Wait till you come JC. I miss O Levels so much. That's how bad it is right now.

I'm getting an average 5-hour sleep each day, and I don't even have the time to slack off.

So now I have this "Holy Saturday" no-work policy. Strictly no studying on Saturdays. Not sure if it's effective, but I need it.

Oh yeah. I did this for my friend yesterday and am obviously happy with the outcome. But I used water colour so she can't wash her shoes HAHAHAHAHA.

Took 30 mins to do that because my paint were all dried up. I used paint FLAKES to blend the colours LOL. Easier to use flakes actually. They spread out more evenly.
Original plan was blue and red then draw cartoons. But, oh well.

Bye bye~

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