Sunday, August 5, 2012

Teachers and Language

Just a few days ago, my Dad said I was a perfectionist. Well he obviously has never seen my homework before lol.

He said that because I complained about the ridiculously poor English language most teachers in Sg have.
He said I can't expect everyone to have that certain high standard.

But come on! They are teachers. Educators. A student is only as good as his teacher.

If they speak poor English, us students will have the poor language that they use to teach with.
Aside from English teachers, most of the other teachers have extremely heavy singlish accent which is awful. Plus, singlish 'entitles' usage of some kind of bad grammar.

My grammar is getting worse. I'm making all the stupid grammar mistakes now that I had never made in secondary school. I AM SERIOUSLY GETTING WORRIED CAN. @_@

Books here I come.

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