Monday, July 23, 2012

Good & Bad Days

I was just thinking of what defines a 'good' or 'bad' day. These are just my opinions.

It is a good day if I... along with my friends
..exceeded my expectations praised
..slept early
..ate breakfast
..ate lunch
..ate dinner
..received a present
..made someone laugh
..made someone happy a good book
..went out with my friends something I really wanted for a long time
..made a lifelong realisation
..seeing my hard work pay off
..helped a stranger a baby to smile/laugh
..had a productive day
..was appreciated.

It is a bad day if I...

..had PE
..didn't get along with my friends
..did something horrible
..failed at something into a squabble
..didn't sleep
..forgot my friends' birthdays
..worked hard for naught
..skipped meals
..lost something betrayed.

Food for thought: what are the things that you are taking for granted? Give thanks for them, because you never know when they'll be gone.

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