Sunday, July 15, 2012

Weight Obsessed

I used to pride myself on being indifferent to my weight. I was happy with my weight, rather, I didn't bother enough to change my eating habits.

Just so you know, I'm not overweight or anything. I'm just not skinny.

And then this year, my Dad and bro suddenly became so concerned about my weight that they will repeatedly remind me to eat LESS because (quote) "you fat-fat already!".

What the hell is your problem dude? You two are my FAMILY. Why are you criticising me on my weight huh??

You know what the sad thing is? Even though I haven't gained a pound since the beginning of the year, my view of myself has totally changed. I think I'm FAT.

So you happy now? Want to see me starve? Want to see me skinny huh?

Thing is, no matter which person, no matter how tough you are, if you constantly hear criticism from your loved ones, it will hurt and hurt bad.

So damn you. Damn you critiques. Damn you haters. Damn you social media.

Being called fat hurts, no matter your actual weight.

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