Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Laughter & Hiccups

So I was wondering.. What defines the sound of a person's laughter?
I'm the type that holds it in so when I laugh really really hard you can't hear anything. It's not good for my health, I know, but it's kinda an involuntary reaction.

When I'm laughing I MIGHT go "Hahahaha!"
When I chuckle I go, "Huhuhuhuh.." (Looks silly I know.)

My brother laughs "Heeheeheehee!"
He chuckles "heeheeheehee!"
He laughs big "HEEHEEHEEHEE!"

I realised that just now when he was watching tv.

I think the sound of our laughter is determined by partly our personality and partly the physical structure of our throats (larynx).. You don't usually see a quiet person laughing loudly or a outspoken person laughing softly.. Or maybe that's just stereotype. Huh.

Today, in the middle of maths class, I suddenly had the hiccups.
While my bottle was poised at my mouth, almost taking a sip, the teacher just went and called me to answer her question.
Erm, hello, hiccups? Almost drinking water?

I was shocked that she decided to call me. Who does that to a person hiccuping anyway?

Most short-lived case of hiccups ever. LOL.

Bye bye~

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