Saturday, July 14, 2012

Stressed Out

You know what? I really should have just thrown away any thought of going into Uni and pack my bags and enter a poly instead. I am dying in JC.

It's not like I have any chances of entering Uni now anyway. Heck, I can't even get promoted.

Never in my life have I gotten such bad results. Out of my 5 subjects, I've only passed ONE.
And that's GP (surprisingly).

But that's just a stroke of luck anyway. I had a bunch of BODs (benefit of doubt) points so if I deducted them I may have just barely passed my GP. While this is good enough to get promoted, it isn't enough to get into a uni.

From last year's stats, you need at least straight B's to even get into the most unpopular classes in any Sg uni.
My family is financially incapable of sending me overseas to study (oh sure, they'll borrow for my sake, but I don't want that). It's pretty much all or nothing for me.

I totally regret getting enrolled in my current JC. I hate their teaching system. It's just that-- systematic. I cannot do systematic. It is generally easy to score in my schl; you just have to spend a heck lot of time memorising everything.

I can't do that. I have a super short attention span. I can't memorise things word-for-word. I'll go crazy.
Maybe that's why my better subjects are Maths and GP (Eng), because you can't score by memorising. There is nothing to memorise.

Add Project Work into my list of stress. I think the teacher secretly hates me. She rejects everything I do. Is a problem that I'm bad at finding good information???
Note to self: enter a career with little association to online research.

Ok I'm ending my rant. It's so depressing to see the unfavorable results even though you put in so much. I admit to not giving my 100%, but I can honestly say that I have studied even harder than I did for my 'O' Levels.

I hate JC. These were supposed to be the best 2 years of my life.

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