Sunday, November 4, 2012

I'm A Boring Person

Well I'm sorry for not being 'energetic'. Sorry for not being 'hyper' all the time. Sorry if I'm soft-spoken and not 'interesting'.

I'm... how do you say, selective. And unfortunately for my class, I do not feel bonded to them. So I just don't inject so much energy in my movements and speech. It comes naturally when I'm with closer friends, I guess. Otherwise, I'm as boring as a talking brick. (Ok too exaggerated.)

Plus, JC has sucked my life force out of me. I'm tired 80% of the time, and the remaining 20% is because I'm so tired that I just start being hyperactive. I don't know the mechanism behind this behaviour, but yeah. It happens to me.
So when I'm hyperactive, there're only two possible scenarios.
1. I feel really close to you
2. I'm just damn tired.

My Oral Presentation is this coming Wednesday. SO SCARY.
The 5 mins that you babble determines 40% of your PW grade.
The Written Report that you slaved over for 6 months is also 40% of your grade.

I really don't like the marks allocation system. Not everyone is born a good public speaker. So unfair.

Ok off to doing PW. UNTIL WEDNESDAY.

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