Monday, January 17, 2011

Patience Is An Annoying Virtue

My group did "Clap Your Hands" by 2NE1 dance for farewell night 2010~~
I rmb in sec 1 we did "What Time Is It" high school musical 2, then sec 2 we did "Abracadabra" by Brown Eyed Girls.. Very sexy dance. XD
Good times, good times.
Well back to 'Clap Your Hands'. We wore hoodies cause we were after the hippie look, and my hoodie was SHINY. @.@ Had gold linings LOL.
I wore that jacket to school cause the air-con classrooms are freezing, and ppl say I look gangster lol.
As if I'll ever be.. I'm so guai. XD
Yeah well on the night itself, our teacher had recorded down the whole performance with her handphone, and we (my group) all wanted a copy of it. However, since the vid took too long to send through bluetooth, my teacher got our emails and promised to send us a copy.
We have been waiting for WEEKS and still no video. D:
Sad sad....

Well my friend said she'll come check my blog, so the following is dedicated to her:


  1. kind hearted Jing RongJanuary 17, 2011 at 8:59 PM

    What the... What's with the long nickname again eh?! Oh yeah. Abracadabra very hawt. hehe.. I bet you missed dancing that dance in the toilet. lol.

    Hmm.. nobody reads your blog izzit? :D

  2. Yep I miss it though it sounds very wrong...

    Nah nobody read de cause they all forget my blog add le haha~
