Friday, January 14, 2011

True Friend- a composition

I remember I wrote this when I was 14, and my country just got chosen to hold the first Youth Olympics. We were required to write a composition on Olympic values, and I chose 'friendship'. Maybe I'll laugh at this as I'm reading it. XD

True Friend

Elaine and Deborah were like inseparable super glue—where there is Elaine there will always be Deborah beside her. They were both top runners in their nation, and had met each other when in training. The strange thing was that, they were not the same, exactly opposite, even, but could still be so close. What Elaine was good at would be Deborah’s weakness, and what Deborah wanted would not be what Elaine was after. But they respected and appreciated each other, and never had fights. They were closer than people would think possible, closer than blood sisters.

It was in the year 2004, where the Olympic Games were held in Athens. The two teenagers were participating in the same event, the women’s 100m dash. They were excited and nervous at the same time. Like all the other participants, they wanted very badly to be able to win a medal to make their country proud.

“Hey, we have to do our best, ok?” The two girls were sitting on their assigned spots, trying to encourage one another even though both were sweating from nervousness.
“Yes, let’s! We have to show them!”
“It was annoying it, wasn’t it, Debs? 2 seconds! Just two measly seconds and you could have gotten 3rd place.” Elaine sulked. She did not mind losing to Debs, but she did mind Deborah losing to another by just 2 seconds.

“Elaine, that was 4 years ago! And I improved a lot, so did you! Past has past, and now is the present, so why not try our very best and be contented with whatever results we can manage to achieve?” Deborah was the positive one of the two, but she was never tired of lightening up Elaine’s sulkiness. ‘That’s because Elaine’s a really nice person!’ She answered when confronted. Deborah was liked by many.

“Yes, Elaine. Try your best and perhaps you can manage to stay on the team.” The coach calmly walked in and offered the girls water.

“Huh? What do you mean, coach?” Deborah asked, taking the offered bottle.

“Girls, I know that this is a bad time, but I absolutely have to tell you something…” The coach said grimly. Deborah did not like the look on her face. “You know that every single year, new runners are being chosen to compete to race in the Olympics, right? Well… You girls are getting older and not as agile anymore, so, one of you will have to quit after this race… And it seems like the board have already deci—”

“WHAT?? We have to QUIT? WHY??” Elaine was furious. There was no way she could bring herself to think of Deborah as competition, not under these circumstances. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes. “And… The board already decided to let Deborah stay, didn’t they? Well I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. She has real talent b…but I….” Tears were streaming down uncontrollably.

The person they liked was Debs, talented and bright Debs, she thought angrily. She joined because her family ordered her to, and me; I love running and racing! I joined because I really wanted to!!
Elaine was choking while she ran for the toilet, and Deborah could not do anything to help. She knew why Elaine was so agitated. She knew it too well.

“Coach… Please, if they have to fire, fire me! I have no passion for racing, not like Elaine does. Please…” Deborah hated to see Elaine cry, and hated even more that she was the cause. They had never been envious or angry towards each other before, and Deborah hated it.

“I’m sorry, Deb, but she just does not have the talent. Anyway this race is what that will decide—”
“Then it’s simple, isn’t it?” Deborah smiled sadly, “I’ll just have to lose to her.”
   “Runners get ready! On you mark…” Deborah glanced at Elaine. She really wanted to lose to Elaine on purpose, but Elaine would rather lose knowing that she tried her best, than win by her friend’s pity. Elaine was a very fair person, and that made Deborah waver a bit. She was still panicky about what to do, or rather what to not do.

   “Get set…” Elaine felt Deborah’s gaze on her. She knew Deborah would lose to her on purpose. Well, not this time, she thought. I have to prove myself by myself. She turned, and gave Deborah a confident smile, a sign of challenge. Deborah caught that smile, and knew what her decision was. Her friend would not be happy if she pitied her.

“GO!!” The runners raced.

“Umm… Elaine?”

“Yes?” Deborah was shocked. Elaine’s expression was still full of pride and glee, as if something really good happened.

“I… I’m sorry. But why are you still so happy? You should be mad at me! I deserve that!” Deborah looked down at the floor guiltily. She did not want to ruin their friendship, but that seemed so unavoidable.

“What are you talking about? You got in 2nd! Shouldn’t you be happy? I really don’t mind losing to you, really. But if you lost to me on purpose, then that’s a different story.” Elaine smiled. “I even beat my own record today! For that I am happy. So be happy with me, won’t you? I feel weird celebrating by myself!”

“Yes… But you got in third! They should keep us both, you know. We may be better than all those newcomers!” Deborah protested. Elaine really had outdone herself this time. Why is it so unfair?

“You’re right, Deborah. That’s why I will help you girls. Elaine does have potential, just that she needs to be more ‘fired up’.” The Coach said. “I’m sorry, Elaine. I underestimated you—we all did. And 3rd place is not bad, considering you lost to Deborah only by 6 seconds, and the fourth came in…”

Both girls were overjoyed. None of them would be ‘kicked out’. Deborah was relieved. Even if Elaine did not get in, she was sure that their friendship would not waver again. Instead of weakening, she knew that their friendship would get even stronger if anything ever happens again. Elaine, she concluded, is a true friend.

Note: I like to write happy endings, obviously.

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