Friday, January 14, 2011

Fat people

You know how girls are always complaining that their fat?
I mean, I get that, since I'm a girl and I too think I'm fat.
But, it's annoying how some always complain.
I mean ALWAYS, even while buying a carnivorous meal full of fats.
If they keep complaining of being fat, CUT DOWN ON THE FAT CONSUMPTION!!
At the start I'll try to comfort my friends by saying, "no, you're not." again and again and again.
But now I'm so sick of it that whenever someone complains, I just go, "yeah you are. Now then you realise?"
But we're friends so nobody takes anything to heart.
Not that I actually think any of them are fat or anything, but hey, we're girls.
Well that's all since I just wanted to rant somewhere. XD

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