Friday, January 28, 2011


I just listened to all the songs of Disney Classic and I MISS THEM!!
Nowadays disney is getting crappy.
With ugly drawings and weird songs.
Except for Phineas and Ferb, of course. I love that show. ^^

When i was young i was already a Disney fanatic..
And I used to dislike The Hunchback Of Notre Dame cause I didn't like their slow songs and moody pictures.
But I just went back and listen to everything. It has so much depth in it!!
I miss good old disney sigh...

Oh and just a little tidbit:
Jodi Benson, the lady who's Ariel in the Little Mermaid is also Barbie's voice in Toy Story 3.
And she's like white-haired old but you can't really tell from listening to her voice. XD
I love all the songs she sings for cartoons, Joshep King Of Dreams included~
Title: More Than You Take.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that song!!! Hahaha. XD

Ok I'm getting excited so have quite a few caps and exclamation marks~~~

Oh Hercules songs are AWESOME too. :))
And Mulan.
And Mulan 2.
And The Little Mermaid.
And Lion King.
And Lion King 2.
And Pochantas.
And and ALADDIN I love that show I have no idea why. XD
Tarzan songs rule!!

And and and ANASTASIA (but not Disney.)~~~~~~~~~~
Ok well I'll continue squealing(?) so go find some time and listen to Disney Classics ok?
They have beautiful tunes and great lyrics that actually has meaning in them instead of all the 'love-hate-breakup-crush-sex' songs that are popular nowadays...
Very disappointed. D:


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