Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Things That GRATE On My Nerves

You know those small, unconscious (or not) actions of those around that just PISSES you off for no good reason?
Yeah well recently I've just discovered two things that I absolutely cannot stand. Just the mere mention of it and angry signs start popping on my head.

Number One:
Constant "shh"-ing. I really can't stand it. Once, alright fine. I get your message. Twice, still fine, but I'm starting to get annoyed.
How about one "shh, shh, shh" EVERY TEN FREAKING SECONDS FOR 50 MINS HUH?!?!?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
The honor of discovering this little nerve of mine goes to my dear maths lecturer, who should be feeling extremely relieved that I know not her name. Or else she'd have been struck by lightning close to 60 times.
I have no idea why I get so annoyed by this, but I just do.
The evidence is right in my maths lecture notes where INDENTIONS of $&@#% are clearly visible. Along with numerous angry signs. ಠ_ಠ

D*mn you, whose name I do know want to know.

Number Two:
You know when people have PRIVATE conversations on LOUDSPEAKER?
Yeah that's number two. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻



This noble prize goes to my dearest mama who, for some weird reason, has fallen in love with the loudspeaker. She uses it every single freaking time she talks in the phone.
Already I'm not home most of the time, and yet I still think that she talks too much.
Well that's because my Dad's currently in Taiwan and she calls him every night.
Dude, I do not want to listen to my parents talking church stuff, or other people's problems on the phone! I hear enough in real life alright??
Already I know so much more than I should. But that'll be another complaint for another post.

So, to sum up everything. Constant "shh"-ing and loudspeakers: top two most annoying stuff in the world.*

*claim may differ according to every individual

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