Sunday, March 18, 2012

Those Few Grains Of Rice

The title sounds nice right? Like some sappy, family love story. ^^

Unfortunately, this post is anything but sappy.

I really don't understand why some people like to leave those few grains of rice on their plate. Why not just eat them? Why? It is such a simple task of merely moving the spoon then bringing the spoon to your mouth. And it reduces wasted food by so much!

Yes, I am one of those whose plate is most of the time sparkling clean because I do not believe in waste, not when one-seventh of the people in the world are starving. And that's out of the total 7 billion people this world has. One-seventh. One billion people. THAT IS A LOT.
Keep in mind that most of these 1 billion are children and babies in developing countries.

So, my question to you is, "why?"
Why leave those precious grains of life on your plate?
Why let the 1 billion starve?

Do not, ever, leave food on your plate, please. If you know you can't finish your food, ask the vendor to give you less. Do not take more than you can handle ok? It hurts babies and children. One billion of them.

Do you know that currently the world is able to provide enough food for 11 billion people?
There are 7 billion people on the earth, but yet 1 billion of them are starving.
What happened to those supposed 5 billion-people worth of food?

Simple. Wasted. Thrown. Gluttony.

Imagine if all 6 billion fed (and not all well fed either) each left a few grains of rice on their plates. The total amount of food wasted when accumulated is astonishing.
That waste can feed that 1 billion. It can save the children and babies from starving.

So, bottom line, please, PLEASE don't waste food.

For those who still don't care: I hope you're happy, you baby killer.

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