Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What If.. (Quiz)

What if...

1. There was a maggot in your soup?
EWW I'll never eat from that stall again. And complain like siao to the cook.

2. You woke up and only McDonald's and Starbucks exist ?
C'mon! Let's all get obese!

3. Pokemon were real?

4. You walked around your block naked?
HAHAHA will get arrested. XD

5. The person of your dream was finally yours?
O.O Ugh. I hate the person in my dream.

6. The world ends in 24 hours?

7. You could have 3 wishes but you had 10 seconds to say them?
Straight A's forever, super-growth hair, lots of money.

8. You could never die?

9. There was beauty pageants for men?
Shouldn't it be 'manly pageants'? Haha. XD
None of my business.

10. Models were short and fat instead of skinny and tall?
.......... Again, IDC.

11. We celebrated Halloween like a dark Christmas?
Hahaha pranks~ 

12. Girls wore boxers and guys wore panties?
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! Gross, but funny. XD

13. Santa, the easter bunny, and the toothfairy really exist?
I'm an extremely good girl for Santa, steal all the Easter bunny's eggs, and give my rotten teeth to the toothfairy FOC.

14. Music could give you cancer?

15. Your parents arranged who you had to marry?
Fight for my rights, then run away. :D
Unless, of course, I like the guy.

16. You could star as a character in your favorite cartoon?
SO COOL it will be the highest rated cartoon ever! :DD

17. You got to try out on American Idol?
*Looks up at all the other contestants*

18. Your parents were spies, superheros, or somethin cool when you are not home?
AWESOME they can get takeouts from other countries!!!

19. Your life or death depended on any game of your choice?
I do not gamble.

20. You became a parent 1 year from now?
Live in shame.

21. There was a breakfast cereal named after you?
Extra chocolaty!

22. You could talk to inanimate objects?
Cool but creepy..
In the middle of the night..
Pillow: Hey watch your drool!
Bolster: Help.. Can't.. Breathe..
Blanket: Release me this instant! You're hot!!
Fan: I'm.. dead tired.. *offs*
I will never have a good night's rest again.. D':

23. There was 10 more 'What If' questions included this as one of them?
...... So?

24. You were the only person in the world to have unlimited gas for your car?
Awesome. Saves natural resources.

25. You woke up as your opposite gender?
UGH! Hmm I'l go try all sports.. Testing if guys really are stronger than girls.

26. With the snap of your fingers, any problem you would have could disappear?
Practice snapping like siao.

27. It was against the law to eat more than one meal a day?
C'mon let's all be severely underweight!! :D Then Sg models will be short and fat, because we're all skinny.

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