Monday, October 3, 2011

Bad Day

Yes it is very late but I feel bad for not posting for so long. And yes this is via phone.

Well today was a horrible, horrible day.
Firstly, I didn't do well for A.Maths. Shocking huh. T-T
Stupid careless mistakes and no error carry forward marks. Why? Cause maths is about accuracy and precision, so they won't give you the mark if your first part's wrong. Sighh...

Secondly, I have a huge stack of undone homework, which I gave up on. I mean HUGE.
AND there're 2 tests tomorrow. 3 actually, but two of them are English so I count it as one.

Lastly, my slipper broke during tuition. I had tuition today, spending most of my free time, thus the undone stack of homework.
I had to walk like I have a wooden right leg. Ugh can feel the lactic acid.
At some point in time I just got fed up of dragging my feet along, so I took off my slippers and walked barefooted.
Quite cool actually, discounting all the weird stares I got. Well my 'wooden' walk (drag) had already attracted enough attention as it was.

My poor feet.. Can feel the skin on the sole hardening. DX

P.S: Sry forgot abt the fun facts since I was using my phone. Well, here they are!

- Eating chocolate 3 times a month increases you lifespan as opposed to people who either overeat or do not eat chocolate at all

- Hippos kill more people in Africa than crocodiles.

- A duck's quack doesn't echo anywhere, and nobody knows why.

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