Monday, October 24, 2011

GCE O Levels Day 1

I can't believe I've started my Os!!!
It's so scary, really.
Four years of learning an hard work all amounted to these few papers.
Four years!

Day 1 was English, both papers.

Paper 1 consists of a composition and a letter.
I'm not gonna disclose the questions so I'm only gonna give brief details.
For the composition, I chose the one word qns which was "freedom".
Totally wasn't expecting that.
My story's basically about how a bird (that's me) was trapped in a cage for a long time. One day, the caged was open. However the bird didn't dare fly out, for it was accustomed to life inside the cage. It was scared of freedom. It died in the open cage.

Well in my story I'm not technically a bird, but I just used that proverb.

For the letter, we were required to write a letter to the principal. Kind of like a proposal.
I was honestly expecting a report ya know.

I'm generally quite happy abt my paper 1 because it was the best language I have ever used. Not so sure abt the content though.

For paper 2... Not so much hope.
Halfway through the paper my head hurt, my eyes hurt, my gum hurt throughout, and I started hiccuping. =_=
WTH right?

The headache was really really bad so I kinda entered this 'I don't care anymore' stage and just did the paper.

My school conducted the examinations in classrooms which, by the way, are air-conditioned.
The room was so stuffy and the air was musky and uncomfortable. Not to mention the heat.
I sweated at the start of paper 1, and it was only when the paper was ending that it became cool.
Not even COLD. Only COOL.

I think that's where my headache came from.
I'm very sensitive so I can't stay UN crowded places, especially those with bad ventilation, for too long.
Ughhhhh I keep cursing. Mind my language.

I hate my stupid school!!
Always had, always will.

I'm writing this on phone so fun facts next time k? :)

Fun Facts (update 28/10)

- Blueberries have more anti-oxidants than any other fruit or veg

- Antpitta Avis Canis Ridgley, a species of bird, barks like a dog

- Eating 11 pounds of apple will make you gain 1 pound of weight

- A hurricane releases more energy in 10 mins than all the world's nuclear weapons combined

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