Friday, October 7, 2011

My Throat Hurts

I have a cough. 2-week anniversary soon. T_T
I'm gonna clarify something first. I DO NOT GET COUGHS.
Sure, I've had sore throats, sure I've had flu and fevers.
But, I do not get COUGHS!
And once I caught one, BANG! 2 weeks and counting. Sighhh.

Anyway, that's not my main point.

My O Levels is in >20 days. OMG. I'm freaking out here.
Which is actually just 2 weeks later. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG.
My brother has just finished his PSLE two days ago, and lemme tell you, he didn't study.
He's so going into 'N' classes. Let's hope he passes his PSLE, huh?

As a reward, my mother has allowed him to invite his friend over for the whole day tomorrow.
My own FREAKIN' mother, who KNOWS that I have O Levels THIS MONTH, allowed my bro to invite his FREAKIN' friend over.
Where they will talk and laugh and make a lot of noise for the WHOLE FREAKIN' DAY.
I'm seriously pissed here, cause I'm cursing. I do not curse. Normally.

Well, I had to put a stop to it.
So I got angry and GLARED at my mom and told her to NOT allow his friend over.
Guess what? She didn't care. Wow, big surprise here. (Heavy sarcasm.)
So I stormed into his room and YELLED at him to NOT INVITE his friend over because I have FREAKING NATIONAL EXAMS NEXT MONTH.
Guess what?
That IDIOT had the AUDACITY to say "but we've already made plans! I can't change!"
So I was shouting my head off at him. I mean, really, really yelled.
I can yell very loudly when I want to.

....which goes back to my main point of my throat hurting even worse.
It's never going to heal at this rate.

Anyway, my mother couldn't stand my yelling so she said she'll take care of it.
She obviously didn't so now I'm off to yell at my bro again.
Bless my throat.

Fun Facts:

-  Male horseflies can fly over 90mph

-  Cockroaches break wind every 15 minutes

-  On average, adults watch double the amount of TV as teenagers do

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