Thursday, October 20, 2011


Yes, I have an iPhone 4. For a few months already.
The apps are AWESOME! :D

And I so should be studying right now... =x

Anyway, there's this thing called Cydia, which is only available in a jail broken phone.
I'm not sure whether or not it's legal in Sg.. :\

But, its functions are awesome!
You can chose your own themes and do stuff that iPhone doesn't allow.
It's legal in the US.

Me being the nerd I am, I'm still addicted to Wattpad. But that's just me. I love reading.

Also, I have a new found obsession with youtube.. Oops.
I found this vid through Kids React. The guy is wicked good. I have no idea how he balances himself. XD

Last thing before I forget!
*Smug grin*

...and wasted a whole afternoon. But, it was well worth the time. My room is a PIGSTY and you can't believe how much dust had accumulated. Yes, I am a girl. Girls can be messy too.
I cleaned my room~~~

Hmm that's all I have to say I suppose.

Wish me luck for my O-Levels which is like, Monday. OMG. MONDAY.
I'm freaking out again!!!

Fun Facts:

- It is proven that Rosemary scent increases mental performance and alertness

- The longest word in the dictionary with one vowel is 'Strengths'

- Naturalists use marshmallows to lure alligators out of swamps

- On average, a person spends 5 years of his lifetime eating

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