Sunday, February 5, 2012

2012 Hates Me

I'm serious. I really think that 2012 hates me for some reason.
Lemme give you some examples:

1. Me, who doesn't get high fevers, got one at the end of January. Like 2 weeks ago.

2. Me, who has never ever been in an ambulance or hurt badly enough to need to be in one before, was in one last week.

3. Then one day after the accident, when I was cycling, my toe got stubbed on the pedal. = =
    Was bleeding a quite surprising amount of blood from a small injury. Small, but deep I suppose.
    Nice, huh. So now I have.. 5 holes in my skin. Not including pimples. LOL. JKJK~

UGGHHHHH 2012 officially hates me, for some reason.

Take note that 2 weeks ago on Friday, me and Donkey had planned to go to Wild Wild Wet (a water park) because I had free tickets. I fell sick on Thursday.
Last Friday (today is Sunday, I'm assuming that it's a new week), which is 2 days ago, me and Donkey had again planned to go to WWW. I got injured on Thursday again.
And then, on the Friday itself I got my toe injured.

Moral of the story: Stop wanting to go WWW on a Friday. Bad, bad omen.

Second moral of the story: Thursdays are extremely dangerous.

My free tickets are most likely gonna rot away.. Cause now I'm scared to make plans with Donkey to WWW on a Friday again. Dx


Alright just kidding. It's not Friday's fault; it's Thursday's.


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