Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year!

It's 29th feb!! Leap year!!!

Yes I'm super excited abt it. It only happens once every 4 years ppl!!

It's like the Olympics, but for some reason, I am the only one excited abt leap years. Cause I'm special like that. ;)

Can you imagine the leap year babies born in my year? They'll FINALLY be four this year!!
And have a life span of average 21 years? Maybe? LOL.

Haha alright this is just me crapping about some random stuff. I have nothing to write in my blog lately. JC life is the same: study, study, eat, study, sleep. Repeat.
My house has recently become a hotel of sorts. I only go home to sleep. The rest of the time I am either in school or at MacDonald's mugging with my friends.

Oh yes! BTW!! I am in guitar yeah~~~
I am a self-confessed guitar noob. Hence I opted to join the Guitar Ensemble to change that fact.

Besides, how cool is it to play and sing by yourself?? Write your own songs?
I've just barely started (first lesson today) but I can hardly wait!! XD

Kinda like doing the 'A' Levels and 'O' levels. I was anticipating that wonderful holiday for 2 years!! 2!!
And it's all over in the link of an eye. D':

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