Sunday, February 12, 2012

Piggy's Stupid Phone

Hello I have finally decided to post.. Because I'm trying to avoid doing hw haha..

Caution: this is only funny if read in chinese.

Alright, so some two weeks ago, on a Friday, me, piggy, yj and Dom stayed behind in school to have dinner. That day I was supposed to go with my mother to order a new pair of specs since my old one was scratched when I fell down.

Sadly, however, I woke up extremely late that day and rushed out of my house in the morning... Which resulted in me forgetting to bring my precious phone out. I ALMOST DIED THAT HORRIBLE DAY.

So we had dinner at around 5pm (?). We were sitting in the cafeteria and halfway through our food I suddenly remembered to call my mom.

So I borrowed piggy's phone. At first I called my mama, but she didn't pick up so I smsed her instead.

Now, the thing with me and my mom is that I usually SMS her in Chinese. It's a habit.

And piggy's phone, a Sony touch screen, was extremely hard to press.
The first MSG I tried typing:
(Ma, I'm ____ )

But instead this came out for no reason:
(Ma, I'm serious. )

So we ended up laughing quite a bit. And then I handed piggy the phone and told her what to type.

I told her to type:
(Ma, I'm ____, I forgot to bring my phone today, so I'm temporarily using my friend's. I'm still in school...)

But instead this came out:
(..Ma I was wrong..)

And then we were full on laughing an I spent close to 20 min trying to get one mouthful of noodles in my mouth.. Because I was laughing too hard and couldn't eat.

And Dom kept repeating that thing and yj and piggy and me kept laughing!
My noodles grew cold!

And piggy kept saying how much it sounded like I was trying to tell my mom that I was pregnant. =_=
But, since the words came out on suggestion, I bet piggy typed those words a lot. ;DD

She's been pregnant for over 2 years already HAHAHAHA~

I finally gave up and took my bowl of noodles FAR FAR away from those people. I only had 2 mouthfuls left you know. And those two mouthfuls took me 30 mins to finish LOL~

Bye bye~

Girl who officially started lectures in JC1.

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