Friday, February 17, 2012

Humans Are Ugly

I mean it. Humans are by far the ugliest beings ever. I don't mean that shallow, skin deep ugly. I mean the ugliness of human nature.

There is a Chinese saying that humans, by default, have kind natures. Well I never agreed with that, not one bit.

The real nature of humans is selfish.

People tend to think abt themselves before they think of others. Don't even try to deny it; you'll be lying.

Sure, most of us will 'feel guilty' but do it anyway. It's annoying. You might as well come out straight and clean.

I have tried to change myself, really, and although I have no been able to clear 'self-protection' thoughts, to put it nicely, I can safely say that I do not betray and/or backstab others. No matter how much I dislike them.

I do not act nice. I do not even bother to be fake. And look where it's gotten me.

It's a hard life lesson to learn, being kind.

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