Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hello my good people. I'm kinda typing blindly right now because my specs got very badly scratched and is therefore useless. I can't see what I'm typing so excuse my misspellings.

Alright, today is Day 2 of orientation at the JC that I'm in. Obviously, I didn't make it into the school I wanted. Sigh.. Missed by ONE point.
This JC was my second choice. I could've appealed, but it kinda made no sense since I didn't get in with it was my first choice. Sad, sad.

Anyway, Day 1 of the orientation included mainly talks about the school, the rules, the subjects that they offer... Typical stuff. they even had a Q&A session for us year 1's to voice our inquiries. The year 2's organised the games and performances (well duh, there ain't anyone else o do it) and they tried to get us all hyped up but they kinda failed. :/
We are shy! We are tired! We are still in holiday mood! They can't just expect us to get as crazy as they are when we have to dig ourselves out of bed at such a despicably early hour.

Oh yeah, after all those talks, they made us choose our subject combination ytd. Which, in my opinion, was wayy too early. It provides more opportunities for students to make the wrong choices!
I chose H2 Chem, Bio, Maths, and H1 Econs, GP, PW.

I am exempted from MTL mwahahaha~

My point, today they organised this game session for us after our morning break. Before that they talked about smth else but I can't rmb what.. Heheheh. ;p
We were spilt into many, many groups through alphabetical order on day 1. That is our group for the orientation.
So they had station games, where we went to different stations to play.
Well at my group's fourth station, we were playing this thing like... Eagle Catching Chicks? Haha, sorry that's direct translation from chinese. ;D
Baically the group spilt into two, and each side had to link all the members together somehow without breaking the chain.
The last person had a handkerchief as a 'tail' and the other group had to catch it.
My group chose to link elbowss.
I was like, the last third.

So we started playing, running around.
Then once thhead tried to run in a circle, but the momentum at the end was too much, and the people behind me let go.
Then me, I couldn't let go and so I was apparently flung off cause I was small sized and has less inertia. =_=

The, blank.

When I came to, I was sitting in the General Office with teachers and first aid students staring at me. I had no idea how I got there.
I came to with abrasions on each of my limbs, the right limbs having small abrasions while the left limbs had it quite badly.
And, worst f all, I had this HUGE bump on my head. You could see it from a metre away, with my hair let down.
My hair is almost shoulder length.. Yes, that is how big the bump was.
Hence, the school had to call an ambulance. =_=

The people came to check on my condition to see if I needed to be sent to the hospital, and guess what, YES, I DID! Joy.
They tried to get me in a stretcher and push me in but I kinda refused. Very embarrassing.
They were scared that I had internal bleeding in my head or smth cause of the size of my bump.

A teacher accompanied me to the hospital while the paramedics checked my glucose level, blodd pressure etc etc on the way to the hospital.
Oh, did I mention that they TOTALLY DIDN'T CLEAN MY WOUNDS???
Yes, they are minor compared to my head, but what if they got infected in that period of time? I had no idea how much time passed cause my head kinda hurt and everything was blurry.
Then they forced me to sit on the stretcher when they brought m in.. Standard procedure.
They tried to get me in a wheelchair but I outright refused.
I have a phobia of wheelchairs. Have background story, but that is a story for another time.

And in the A&E, they checked my heart rate.. That kind of thing again. In a wheelchair. But they didn't move it, luckily.

When I was deemed fine and not in immediate danger, they told me to sit in the waiting area and gave me a number. =_=
Spent A LOT of time in the hospital, mostly waiting.
My parents went to the hospital (which was CGH, btw, right in front of the hospital my Dad's working in. He's a Reverend in charge of the hospital.

Then the doctor examined me, sent my for head X-ray, wait some more, evaluated my X-rays. My skull was fine, but X-rays doesn't show you the brain or the blood vessel or anything. So they just assumed that I'm fine.
Well I didn't puke or anything, so I hope I'm fine.
Then he sent me to the nurses to get my wounds cleaned up. Some more waiting. A very, very nice Malay nurse helped me clean and dress my wounds which HURT. She kept saying 'sorry' the whole time and was tsk-ing, saying how did I get injured like this while playing. Ins hort, she's very nice.
She even bent down and propped my leg on her legs in order to dress my knee wounds.. :'D

Well after that we had to go collect the medicine for the wounds (some more waiting), then queue again to pay for the whole thing. Then after that me and my mama went to have lunch and buy lotions and stuff at the hopital's pharmacy.

Oh yeah, the teacher had to go back early and so did my Dad, so only my mama stayed with me throughout.

You know I really thought that I was lucid and aware at the GO, but apparently I'm not, because my memory of the entire thing until I saw the doctor is choppy. Bits and pieces are missing.
How I arrived at the Go, I have no idea. But I don't think that I fainted though. Just memory loss.
I remember a femle senior offering to piggy-back me but I refused, because it was weird.

I'm gonna have to ask my teammates what happened yesterday, because I honestly don't remember, and when I became aware there wasn't a single of them in sight.. I think.
Haha the first aid guy (senior) kept scolding me to 'stop moving' becasue I couldn't sit still. XD

I'm not happy that this happened, because in the JC's entire ten years, only one student had to be sent via ambulance. I'm like student number 2.
I hope I'm not famous in school.. Dx

But, oh well. I'm writing this off as an experience of sorts.
And, the ambulance was kinda a disappointment. It wasn'y as cool as I thought I would be.. ):
Haha but I should be glad they didn't have to do much to me in the ambulance huh. ;D

Oh, oh! Last thing,. it turns out that the teacher is a member of my church.

My church has: my primary school principal, my current teacher, and so many of my ex-classmates.


  1. O.O Wth happened? my goodness , do get speedy recovery!! Eat more my dear more....

    Btw, your church is really great! It like a mini your world, reconnecting you with people whom you've met in your lives! haha Maybe I should drop by to visit one day? ;)

    PS: Do update on what actually happened!!

  2. Erm that's it. I went back to schol and ased my team mates but no one can really tell me.. :/
    They said that I sat aside to rst first. That I have no recollection of.
