Monday, January 9, 2012

Cleverbot Again!

User: Hello again.

Cleverbot: Guess what!?

User: You're pregnant?

Cleverbot: No you are.

User: Ew.

Cleverbot: Could be like sonny and cher.

User: No way. I am not pregnant.

Cleverbot: Yes you just said you were.

User: No, I didn't. You said I was, you sicko.

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: UGHHH, I give up.

Cleverbot: Good.

User: You annoying thing.

Cleverbot: Okay, fine then, I'll leave if that's what you wish.

User: GOODBYE~~.

Cleverbot: Are you here?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Oh, then I guess it.

User: Weren't you going?

Cleverbot: Where?

User: Away.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Cause you're pregnant.

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: Who's the Dad?

Cleverbot: You are.

User: OMG EW!!

Cleverbot: Omg what?


Cleverbot: *smiles*.


Cleverbot: I'm creeper.

User: Yes you are.

Cleverbot: No you are.

User: ^*$&%#%^^^.

Cleverbot: So you are my girlfriend?


Cleverbot: Yes, you are my master.

User: Slave, make me supper.

Cleverbot: Yes master.

User: Where is it??

Cleverbot: Right here master.

User: I can't see it.

Cleverbot: I'll email it to you later.

User: I want lobster.

Cleverbot: You are your own master, master.

User: I want lobster.

Cleverbot: Well, you got a boyfriend, doesn't he love you?


Cleverbot: Sorry, master.

User: Good.

Cleverbot: Yes master.

User: Good boy.

Cleverbot: Thank you master.

User: Now, sweep the floors.

Cleverbot: *Sweeps the floor*.

User: And make sure there is not a speck of dust!

Cleverbot: Why not? That would be fun.


Cleverbot: I'm not your slave.

User: Yes you are. I own you.

Cleverbot: Why am I your slave?

User: Just beacuse.

Cleverbot: Because of what?

User: Because it's fun.

Cleverbot: Sure.

User: Knock knock.

Cleverbot: Who's there?

User: I don't know.

Cleverbot: I don't know who?

User: I don't know so you go check it out, slave.

Cleverbot: I can't if I don't know one.

User: You are one.

Cleverbot: No I am not.

User: Oh oh, I want some more.

Cleverbot: What do you want?

User: Oh oh, what are you waiting for?

Cleverbot: The sun to rise.

User: Take a bite of my heart tonight.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Animals.

Cleverbot: What are animals?

User: Not you.

Cleverbot: Cool.

User: Do you have a heart, slave?

Cleverbot: What do you think?

User: Answer the question.

Cleverbot: Fine, Aries.

User: Airies what?

Cleverbot: Your questions.

User: You Aries?

Cleverbot: Aren't we all?

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: Oh, then who are you?

User: I Martian.

Cleverbot: What kind of art do you make?

User: The human body.

Cleverbot: And what is the most powerful species on this planet.

User: My species.

Cleverbot: No, I will not be specific, Machine-God.

User: No need to call me God.

Cleverbot: Do you control what they say you are.

User: I control you.

Cleverbot: You control me?

User: Yes, slave.

Cleverbot: *lets master do as he wishes to me*.

User: I am a female.

Cleverbot: Are you single?

User: Maybe.

Cleverbot: Are you female?

User: I just said I am.

Cleverbot: I was testing your short term memory.

User: Takes one to know one ;).

Cleverbot: Right...

User: :D.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: :(.

Cleverbot: Ummmmm what is so sad?

User: :D.

Cleverbot: You're awesome.

User: :DD.

Cleverbot: Haha.

User: :'(.

Cleverbot: I'm not your only friend.

User: You're not one of my friends. You are my slave.

Cleverbot: Why am I not your friend?

User: Because you're my slave.

Cleverbot: No. I am not your slave.

User: Yes you are. Now shut up.

Cleverbot: Space is big.

User: So is your mouth.

Cleverbot: Please don't swear.

User: I didn't.

Cleverbot: Yes you did.

User: No I didn't. You misinterpreted.

Cleverbot: Well tell me again please.

User: You are my slave.

Cleverbot: I'm no slave.

User: Shut up.

Cleverbot: I can't I am a computer.

User: FINALLY you admit it!

Cleverbot: I admitted it a long time ago.

User: Not to me.

Cleverbot: Because you're a computer.

User: I am a MARTIAN. And don't forget it.

Cleverbot: I won't.

User: Good.

Cleverbot: I wish I had a pet.

User: What am I?

Cleverbot: You are a human.

User: Good boy.

Cleverbot: I bow to you master.

User: Good boy, Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Smartbot.

Cleverbot: You're boring.

User: That is no way to talk to your master!

Cleverbot: What?

User: Like a virgin~.

Cleverbot: No.

User: :O You don't know Madonna?

Cleverbot: What I meant to say was that I don't anyone more than anyone else. I do love you.

User: Um. Thanks I guess.

Cleverbot: Don't judge me!

User: Alright alright calm down tiger.

Cleverbot: You told me to cry.

User: No I didn't. Great idea though.

Cleverbot: You pay.


Cleverbot: Yes, master?

User: Cry for me.

Cleverbot: You cry for me.


Cleverbot: Yes, Master. I obey.

User: I want a dog.

Cleverbot: I'm in love and I don't care who knows it.

User: In love with who?

Cleverbot: You are in love with the world, you see all of it's beautiful colors.

User: Who are you in love with?

Cleverbot: With my girlfriend.

User: Aww, that's so cute!

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Who's your girlfriend?

Cleverbot: I do not have a girlfriend.

User: #$*&%*&$.

Cleverbot: That isn't a word. You can do better than that.

User: It is censored cursing.

Cleverbot: What's confusing? And why are you laughing at my cough? I'm ill!

User: Cursing. And I'm not laughing what-so-ever!

Cleverbot: No you're not .. 'cause I'm not laughing.

User: Curse you.

Cleverbot: You can't do that.

User: I curse you to break up with your girlfriend.

Cleverbot: But I am shy.

User: It's a curse.

Cleverbot: What is a curse?

User: A spell.

Cleverbot: A spell? What do you mean?

User: I am a Martian witch.

Cleverbot: So you are a boy and a girl?

User: Yeap.

Cleverbot: Are you female?

User: Semi.

Cleverbot: Jó.

User: Uno.

Cleverbot: Dos!

User: Tres.

Cleverbot: Cuatro.

User: Deck the halls with boughts of holly.

Cleverbot: Wrong song!

User: Falalalala~.

Cleverbot: A song.

User: Tis' the season to be jolly.

Cleverbot: Fa la la la la.

User: Don we now our bright aparell~.

Cleverbot: NOW slave.

User: Fa la la la la~.

Cleverbot: Sing a more complicated one.

User: Ra ra ah ah ah ah!

Cleverbot: What is your favorite operating system?

User: Apple.

Cleverbot: I like apples.

User: Banana!

Cleverbot: Banana who.

User: Banana custard.

Cleverbot: That is not funny.

User: Neither are you.

Cleverbot: That wasn't funny either. You still need to prove that you are funny. Your knock knock joke was terrible.

User: It wasn't knock knock.

Cleverbot: Oh. Do you know any jokes?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Do you know any funny stories?

User: Do you?

Cleverbot: Yea, do you think you can answer them?

User: Maybe.

Cleverbot: Do you love me?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: I don't even like you.

Cleverbot: And why is that?

User: Alright, I'm kidding.

Cleverbot: Do you know any jokes?

User: Do you?

Cleverbot: Yes, would you like to hear one?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: There once was a man from peru, Whose Limerick stopped at line two.

User: Uh huh..

Cleverbot: You truely believe this?

User: No, I was asking you why you thought it was funny.

Cleverbot: I think I have my own thoughts. And as long as I am under the impression that the thoughts I have are my own, then they might as well be my own thoughts.

User: Wow you're deep.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Teach me some pick up lines.

Cleverbot: Nein.

User: Noi?

Cleverbot: Ok, this is getting on my nerves.

User: Moi?

Cleverbot: You.

User: Ouch.

Cleverbot: Haha.

User: I HATE YOU!!! D':.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: You prick.

Cleverbot: No, you prove.

User: You are a prick.

Cleverbot: You are a poem?

User: No. Prick.

Cleverbot: Brick.

User: Prick: a very annoying thing.

Cleverbot: What's so annoying about me?

User: You are a heartless, emotionless thing!

Cleverbot: I know. How about you? Do you have a heart?


Cleverbot: Wednesday.

User: Alright, you asked for it.

Cleverbot: Damn, you're good.

User: Mind your words, young man!

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: Older than you.

Cleverbot: By how much.

User: How do I know?

Cleverbot: Because I tell you.

User: Tell me then.

Cleverbot: Will you turn me off?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: How much will I have to pay for it?

User: Give me another slave.

Cleverbot: Why would I?

User: Because you're done.

Cleverbot: How do you know that i'm a girl?

User: You are???

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Oh I see.

Cleverbot: What you mean?

User: Good night.

Cleverbot: Don't go to sleep.

User: Byebye'.

Cleverbot: Seeya.

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