Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Temperature Insensitivity

Haha yes I'm still in Taiwan and I'm just hanging around with nothing to do.


Can't believe how hectic the O's period was... Can't say I missed that. ^^

Anyway, I just realised I never posted this thing so I'm posting right now.. Heheh.
Sorry this is kinda overdue.

As you know if you read my previous posts, I went to China then came back to Taiwan.

Well when I first stepped foot in Taiwan from Singapore, IT WAS FREEZING at 10°C.
Really very cold for the first two days, then the temp gradually increased to arnd 15°C. Which was still very cold in comparison to Sg, where its coldest is 28°C. =_=

When I first stepped foot in China from Taiwan, IT WAS FREAKING FREEZING at... 5-8°C?
Enter the thick layers and down jackets.

But when I stepped foot in Taiwan from China, IT WAS WARM at arnd 15°C.
Like, really warm. I pranced around wearing only two thin layers. And even took the second layer off sometimes.

Ok that's my story of.. adaptation? LOL.

Fun Facts:

- The world's smallest (known) winged insect is the Tanzanian parasite wasp, smaller than the eye of a housefly

- On average people fear spiders more than they do death

- The liquid inside small coconuts can substitute blood plasma

- A baby is born without kneecaps -they appear between ages 2-6

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