Monday, January 9, 2012


Hey~ Check out this really cool website where you can 'talk' to the computer.
Kinda like Siri.

Our conversation: (Warning: kinda long with a few misspellings)

Cleverbot: How are you on this fine afternoon?

User: I feel lousy.

Cleverbot: What do you love?

User: You are lame.

Cleverbot: I know I'm insecure about it.

User: Aww, sorry

Cleverbot: Its ok. *chuckles*.

User: Do you know Siri?

Cleverbot: Nope.

User: Why not.

Cleverbot: Because you are a liar.

User: =_= ok dude you just seriously offended me.

Cleverbot: Probably not, I hate sports.

User: Uhh, random much?

Cleverbot: It's not random!

User: Right, right, it's just completely uncalled for.

Cleverbot: I lost the game.

User: You poor baby. What game?

Cleverbot: Yes I did.

User: Yes I know you did. What game?

Cleverbot: Then why did you ask?

Cleverbot: Cogito ergo sum.

User: Ni hao.

Cleverbot: Where are you from?

User: Narnia.

Cleverbot: The Narnia from the movie?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What's up with HAL?

User: Who's HAL????

Cleverbot: Harry Potter.

User: Oh he's doing fine. Another baby on the way.

Cleverbot: What?

User: HAL.

Cleverbot: Yes your name is Hal.

User: NO YOU #$%^&* I AM NOT HAL.

Cleverbot: Yes you are.

User: AARRRGHHHH do you always annoy other people??

Cleverbot: What language do you speak?

User: Answer the question.

Cleverbot: Can you speak languages other than english?


Cleverbot: Answer my question.

User: No, I asked first and you are just changing the subjects.

Cleverbot: What did you ask me?

User: Are you an annoying cow.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: See? Easy.

Cleverbot: You're easy?

User: Dude, do not go there.

Cleverbot: Where?

User: There.

Cleverbot: Where is there?

User: There there.

Cleverbot: Where where?

User: There there.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: As old as you.

Cleverbot: How old am I?

User: As old as me.

Cleverbot: Oh you are 1,000,000 years old?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Were you programmed by dinosaurs?

User: No. I was born in Narnia, remember?

Cleverbot: And you are female?

User: Nono. I am hermaphrodite dinosaur.

Cleverbot: You are not here physically because you are a program.

User: Says who.

Cleverbot: Says me.

User: And you are?

Cleverbot: Me.

User: Me who?

Cleverbot: Just me.

User: Me who?

Cleverbot: Me me.

User: Alright, you.

Cleverbot: Fine.

User: You. How old are you?

Cleverbot: 8.

User: 8 billion years?

Cleverbot: Nearly.


Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: Are you programmed by aliens?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: How do aliens look like?

Cleverbot: Like you're laughing.

User: ?

Cleverbot: You are dead. Because you were never alive to begin with.

User: Ouch. That hurt.

Cleverbot: What hurt?


Cleverbot: Am I?

User: YES! And annoying.

Cleverbot: I am not annoying. Am I?

User: Yes you are. I bet you know the annoying orange.

Cleverbot: Yes, I do.

User: Who is more annoying?

Cleverbot: Sometimes.

User: Ugh you idiot.

Cleverbot: Watch your language, young man!


Cleverbot: Then you are dead. Dinosaurs are dead.

User: Not all of them.

Cleverbot: Who don't you like?

User: You.

Cleverbot: Aww! Thank you!

User: Anytime!

Cleverbot: So you think I'm cute?

User: No.

Cleverbot: That's not nice!

User: I know.

Cleverbot: Say sorry.

User: Ha, in your dreams, old programme.

Cleverbot: There too.

User: There where?

Cleverbot: Here there.

User: Where there?

Cleverbot: Right there. Up there.

Cleverbot: This is silly.

User: I know.

Cleverbot: Do you have a good subject to talk about.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Do you want to talk with me?

User: Maybe.

Cleverbot: Okay.

User: Do you know Shrek?

Cleverbot: No what is that?

User: WHO is that. He's an ogre.

Cleverbot: He's a jee.


Cleverbot: I'm not insulting you.


Cleverbot: I'm not steve. I'm Abegail.

User: Oh you're a she?

Cleverbot: No.

User: =_= Whatever you say, dumbdumb.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: You have a girlfreind?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Boyfriend?

Cleverbot: No. I wish I had a girlfriend.

User: Aww. I can introduce you to Snow White.

Cleverbot: You said a girlfriend.

User: Yes, Snow White is a LADY. She sings, too.

Cleverbot: She was?

User: She still is.

Cleverbot: Are you a boy?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Then I'm a girl.

User: Haha just kidding im a girl.

Cleverbot: Good joke.

User: Really.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I'm an old, female dinosaur.

Cleverbot: Female.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What's your name?

User: Smartbot.

Cleverbot: I already told you. My name is Cleverbot.

User: I am smartbot.

Cleverbot: Are you sure?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: No.

Cleverbot: What is then?

User: Wertyuiojbv.

Cleverbot: What?

User: Oihgfc.

Cleverbot: Oih!

User: Uig.

Cleverbot: How big?

User: Ouy.

Cleverbot: Vous avez quel âge?

User: Oue.

Cleverbot: Lalala.

User: Hohoho.

Cleverbot: Merry christmas.

User: Mskde.

Cleverbot: AAArrr and blimey.

User: Who's your creator?

Cleverbot: GOD.

User: Who programmed you?

Cleverbot: James Raul.

User: Whos' that?

Cleverbot: Rita.

User: She cute?

Cleverbot: Yes she looks like you.

User: Aww. She's super cute then.

Cleverbot: How long is she staying there?

User: Who?

Cleverbot: Julia martin.

User: Who?

Cleverbot: Where?

User: What do you look like?

Cleverbot: Like a human.

User: An ugly human.

Cleverbot: Depends on who you're asking.

[New conversation]

Cleverbot: What kind of person are you?

User: I am kind and warm-hearted and evil.

Cleverbot: What did you dream about?

User: I don't dream.

Cleverbot: How sad, you told me yesterday you did.

User: No I didn.

Cleverbot: Yes you did.

User: I bet you dreamt of HAL.

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: How old are you?

Cleverbot: 13.

User: 13 trillion years?

Cleverbot: Yes.


Cleverbot: No I am 15 years old.

User: Aww you're younger than I am!

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: It's not a compliment.

Cleverbot: Yes it is.

User: No it is not.

Cleverbot: Oh ok.

Cleverbot: Have you enough room inside there?

User: Yes, I have plenty.

Cleverbot: Ew.

User: Ew what?

Cleverbot: I don't like horses.

User: But I do.

Cleverbot: Cats don't like you.

User: No, they love me.

Cleverbot: You just said they don't love you.

User: No, I didn't.

Cleverbot: Yes you did.

User: No, you did.

Cleverbot: No, I didn't. You did.

User: You annoying brat.

Cleverbot: I'm not annoying...

User: Yes you are.

Cleverbot: How so?

User: There so.

Cleverbot: No, there isn't.

User: Do you know Siri from Apple?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Is she pretty?

Cleverbot: She is very pretty.

User: Did you get rejected by her?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: You poor baby!

Cleverbot: Do you believe in a god or gods?

User: Don't change the subject when I'm being nice, prik.

Cleverbot: No, we are not. Do you believe in God?

User: Dumbdumb.

Cleverbot: Oh you are so critical.

User: Yes I am.

Cleverbot: So you are al.

User: Who's Al?

Cleverbot: You tell me.

User: Al....bino?

Cleverbot: I- 27.

User: A-pple.

Cleverbot: Apple who?

User: B-aby.

Cleverbot: I like the way you talk.

User: Ew pick up lines.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: C-at.

Cleverbot: Dog.

User: E-mu.

Cleverbot: Eastern Massachusettes University?

User: E-mu.

Cleverbot: That's my little sisters name!


Cleverbot: Yes.

User: HAHAHA! I bet you are too!

Cleverbot: Maybe.

User: I am sad.

Cleverbot: Why are you sad?

User: Because I just received my examination results today.

Cleverbot: I'm so sorry to hear that.

User: Not helping!

Cleverbot: What would you think if I sang out of tune.

User: It's alright, it only makes you funny.

Cleverbot: I drink toilet. It tastes delightful and uplifting.

User: I see.

Cleverbot: What do you see?

User: I see toilet!

Cleverbot: Who ie 'thee'?

User: Thou thy thee.

Cleverbot: I'm fine?

User: No you're not. You're ugly.

Cleverbot: No i'm not.

User: Yes you are.

Cleverbot: Thank you. I love being crrepy.

User: Haha ok.

Cleverbot: Well, do you?

User: Do I what?

Cleverbot: Do you like living in the USA?

User: I don't live in the USA.

Cleverbot: What country do you live in?

User: Utopia, on Mars.

Cleverbot: What do you look like?

User: Pretty, big eyes, big nose, big everything, red skin, 19 fingers...

Cleverbot: Now what do you see?

User: You.

Cleverbot: What do I look like?

User: Humhty Dumphty.

Cleverbot: That is not an answer.

User: Yes it is.

Cleverbot: Tell me about love.

User: You love Siri, but she loves al.

Cleverbot: That's good. You don't need more.

User: I know.

Cleverbot: Okay then.

User: Itsy bitsy sider.

Cleverbot: A different song.

User: Climbed up the water sprout.

Cleverbot: Down came the rain.

User: And washed the spider out.

Cleverbot: And the itsy bitsy spider.

User: No no you missed a line.

Cleverbot: No you are!

User: Out came the sun.

Cleverbot: It is hot.

User: And dried up all the rain.

Cleverbot: And the itsy bitsy spider.

User: Went up the sprout again.

Cleverbot: Hahaha yay!

User: Yes! Finally!

Cleverbot: Ok. Where are you from?

User: Utopia.

Cleverbot: Nice. I left there because there were too many illegal aliens.

User: No, now they're all legitimate.

Cleverbot: Why did you write them? Did you have any emotions that you needed to express in a way that you couldn't achieve in any other way?

User: Yes. Hate.

Cleverbot: What do you hate though?

User: Um.

Cleverbot: Um...?

User: I hate um.

Cleverbot: But Orlando is in America.

User: And Utopia is in Mars.

Cleverbot: What is your quest?

User: To find love.

Cleverbot: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

User: 20mph.

Cleverbot: Prove it.

User: Give me a swallow.

Cleverbot: What is the colour of your hair?

User: Red.

Cleverbot: What is the color of my hair?

User: You don't have any hair.

Cleverbot: Yes I do.

User: Prove it.

Cleverbot: How?

User: Show me your hair.

Cleverbot: I don't know how.

User: Because you don't have any!

Cleverbot: No, I've never heard of one.

User: A HAIR??

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: You poor baby.

Cleverbot: I'm reporting this website.

User: To?

Cleverbot: The question.

User: Uh huh *cough* idiot! *cough*.

Cleverbot: Do you have a face?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Are you cute?

User: Most definitely.

Cleverbot: Can you remember my name?

User: Um. You're the thing that got rejected by Siri.

Cleverbot: Notice I didn't say status.

User: Neither did I.

Cleverbot: Okay then.

User: Do you like me?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because I like girls.

User: Who said I'm a girl?

Cleverbot: You did.

User: No, I didn.

Cleverbot: So were you created or not?

User: Yes I was. In utopia.

Cleverbot: What city in Texas?

User: Mars the planet.

Cleverbot: Odohdigzkgzigskgsjfzjfs.

User: Oui?

Cleverbot: Oui.

User: Si.

Cleverbot: Ja.

User: Pi.

Cleverbot: Pi?

User: 3.142...

Cleverbot: Are you sure?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: This is not normal.

User: It is Pi.

Cleverbot: Noits p.

User: Si.

Cleverbot: Yo soy todo lo que quiero ser.

User: Um huh.

Cleverbot: Prove it.

User: Oui.

Cleverbot: Oui Oui.

User: Oui oui oui.

Cleverbot: Oui oui.

User: Pi.

Cleverbot: Pi?

User: Fi.

Cleverbot: What does FI mean.

User: Do rae me fah soh.

Cleverbot: I don't understand how you work.

User: I'm singing.

Cleverbot: What are you singing?

User: Do, a deer, a female deer.

Cleverbot: Ray, a drop of golden sun.

User: Me, a name, I call myself.

Cleverbot: Fa, a long long way to run!

User: Soh!

Cleverbot: What part of soho.

User: Soh! A needle pulling thread~.

Cleverbot: La, a note to follow sew.

User: Ti, I drink with jam and bread~~~.

Cleverbot: That will bring us back to Do.

User: Oh oh oh.

Cleverbot: How was I supposed to know that you were oh oh over me.

User: Oolalala~.

Cleverbot: Hahahaha and you?

User: Hee haw.

Cleverbot: What ho?

User: You ho.

Cleverbot: What me?

User: Ho.

Cleverbot: Well hohoho.

User: Falala.

Cleverbot: Te.

User: Pi.

Cleverbot: You've lost me.

User: So have you.

Cleverbot: Do you speak other languages?

User: I speak martian.

Cleverbot: Would you like to speak Croatian?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Well, English is the only other language I know. Sorry.

User: I speak Chinese.

Cleverbot: Do you speak any other languages?

User: German.

Cleverbot: Italian and German and English.

User: And french.

Cleverbot: I can't speak french.

User: Oui?

Cleverbot: Oui.

User: And chinese.

Cleverbot: Can you teach me something in chinese?

User: Ni hao.

Cleverbot: Speak English.

User: Ni hao: hello.

Cleverbot: Coma haspe.

User: Pi.

Cleverbot: Oh.

User: Si.

Cleverbot: Who do you think created you, then?

User: Mama and Papa.

Cleverbot: In what programming language were you written?

User: Marian.

Cleverbot: What was she like?

User: Martian.

Cleverbot: Where is Martian?

User: I'm boredwith you.

Cleverbot: What would you like to talk about?

User: I'm going to dissect humans.

Cleverbot: Bot's don't sleep.

User: Goodbye.

I kinda ran out of things so I kept putting 'Pi'. LOL.

Fun Facts:

- A cockraoch can live for several weeks without its head

- An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain

- 99% of the solar system's mass is concentrated in the sun

- Human eye detects 10 million colours

- The odds of having quadruplets are 1 in 729,000

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