Sunday, January 29, 2012

JC Application

Tomorrow is the big day, where us 2011 'O'-Level students find out which school we will be posted into!
And the day after that is the worst day of 2012. *Dom dom dom dom!!* *Thunder crash* JC DAY 1.

JC: junior college. Spend two years of your life there if you made it, three if not. Prime years of 17 and 18 spent in there. Perhaps even 19. ):
After that the guys will have to report to National Service for roughly 2 years.. More like one and a half, actually.
And then, the smart and/or hardworking ones will go into University. The unlucky ones? Good luck finding a job with no diploma. Either that or go waste another 2 years of our lives in Poly to get diplomas.
So the thing with JC's, is that once you enroll in it, you HAVE to get into Universities. Or life will just sneer at you and say, "Ha! You're scr*wed."

It's a scary, scary world out there, my dear little ones.

Alright. Back to topic.

The gov must seriously hate us or something since they DIE DIE must start JC in Jan. It gives us only ONE day to appeal (should we want to) and to.. I don't know, buy uniforms or something.

Can't they just GIVE us January, and just start school in Feb? Huh?? Is ONE day too much to ask?
I hope the gov knows that we, my batch, will be voting soon and doing things like this, aka rushing us, is so not earning them our good favours. So not.

Anyway, I was kinda freaking out about what school I might be enrolled in, then I felt resigned, then I freaked out again, and then I resigned and so on and so forth.
Because, let's face it, I really don't think that I can get into my first choice.
And then I started freaking because I'm still undecided whether or not I should take CLEP, Chinese Language Elective Programme.
Sure, I want to take Chinese. But CLEP required chinese LITERATURE which is a whole different thing. I was about to click 'yes' to CLEP but then I saw the literature part, and the 'you might get expelled if you fail' part.. and yeah, I kinda freaked out and clicked 'no' instead.

Notice that I've freaked out A LOT during my supposed 'time of relaxation' *FAKE! cough cough*

... which brings me back to resignation part. Now I'm all like, it's alright, I don't care anymore, I'll go to whichever school God puts me into.
I just feel tired, ya know?
My whole life so far is just study, freak, slack, get yelled at, freak, study.... You get the idea.

Absolutely, pits-of-hell BORING. What do I want to do? I don't know. Maybe go back in time and reset. Grow up in Europe, be a rich kid, be a poor kid, be a guy, I don't know. The possibilities are endless, yes. Achievable, no.

I'm ranting like I'm already an old lady, sitting alone at home and stroking her many cats. HAHA!

I guess my point is... well there isn't really a point. I'm just a girl about to step into this big and scary thing called life. Yeah, good luck with that, huh.

P.S: Sad to say, I've kinda run out of fun facts, so I don't think I'll be doing them anymore. Sad, sad.

1 comment:

  1. Accounting and Finance... *heaves a deep sigh*
