Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Another Thing That Annoys Me

I have a lot of anger in me, I've realised. I should share something that makes me happy next time.

Anyway, I've been using facebook a lot more recently *cough* work *cough* and my 'friends' share some really good, inspirational stories on facebook... That have very unfortunate titles that really demeans the story into another one of those meaningless, attention-seeking articles, and this annoys me.

For example, I see this article that my 'friends' shared:

I'm sorry, but what's up with that lame title that is obviously phrased to pique the attention of 14-year-olds?? It even sounds written by 14-year-olds (I know, I've been there). Why couldn't a more simple title like, oh, I don't know, "Beautiful Sceneries" or something be good enough? It's straight to the point and doesn't sound attention seeking. I'm really bad at titles too, but still, why not just "A Man Filmed Heaven For  7 Days", why add the "What He Saw Took My Breath Away." part??? It really demeans the whole article. If I saw that title, I wouldn't have clicked on the link, but two people who usually shared good links shared this, so I did. The video was great. Link:!UrjG0
The photographer filmed some really beautiful footage of our planet.... But I almost didn't open it beacuse of the stupid title.

Another example:

This too is a great video about a great pianist performing in a train station, but with a stupid title that sounds like it was written by 14-year-olds. "You Gotta See This."???? Why is that phrase in the TITLE? It doesn't add any meaning to the video, it doesn't explain anything from the video, it just says 'click me, click me! I'm a website that really needs more visits'.

And so on and so forth... 

Well goodbye. I just wanted to rant. :D

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