Guide to Toys- a short story

I decided to make this page as most people didn't understand my story when I showed it to them. So I'm gonna explain what had happened.

At the start, I said the doll was naked and lacked hair and eyes. However, it does have a nose, a mouth, limbs, body all that. Thus it has a frown. By frown I mean frowning of the mouth, not eyebrows.

Basically, what happens when Lauren makes a wish is that whatever she has will be transferred to the doll while whatever she wished for will be transferred to her.
So the chain is like this:
Annabel => Lauren => Doll

So when Lauren wished for Annabel's hair, Lauren's own hair was transferred to the doll, leaving Annabel with no hair. When she wished for Annabel's wealth, her original wealth was transferred to the doll, symbolised by her clothes, whereas Annabel had no money, thus bankruptcy.
Therefore when Lauren wished for Annabel's spirit, Lauren's body was possessed by Annabel's spirit while Lauren's spirit went into the doll.

What happened to Annabel's previous body?
Nothing. It's still lying on the hospital bed.
Of course, since it has no soul, Annabel's body is dead.

I used eyes to symbolise the transfer of souls (spirits), as the saying goes "eyes are windows to the soul".
So I imagine that Annabel's body would have no eyes, as well.
This is why Lauren's body had Annabel's eyes while the doll has Lauren's eyes, to symbolise the transfer of souls.

The reason why Annabel has Lauren's voice is: since the body that Annabel is using at the end of the story is Lauren's and she hadn't wished for Annabel's voice.

The doll started off frowning but ended up grinning, because the doll became happier. By grinning I meant the wide, opened-mouth grin such as: =D.
If you were naked and disfigured as the doll was at the beginning you would be frowning too.

Well that's about it if anyone has any further questions please do comment... Somewhere.