Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lion- Short Story Intro

Sorry I haven't been posting. I am currently working on my short story named 'Lion' which has been on hold for quite some time.

I finally decided that I want to finish it.
I'm up to one of the last chapters, so it won't be long. I will put the story in here as another page.

The inspiration for the story actually came from a picture that I saw online.
It was an online story writing competition (haha just nice) where the perticipants had to craft a story based on the picture that they provided.
The picture was of a tiger sitting in some long grass.

When I saw this picture, I immediately thought of this... poem?
I'm not sure if it can be classified as a poem.

I am a Lion, a ferocious Lion
I hunt all things; nothing hunts me.

I am a big Lion, a great Lion.
Weak Lions run from me; strong Lions run to me.

I am a handsome Lion, an Alpha Lion.
Lionesses flock around me, begging for my attention.

Everything fear me; I fear nothing.

At first it was 'tiger' instead of 'lion', but I decided to change it to lion as I found lions easier to write.
Of course, I took quite long to actually start writing so I didn't enter the competition.

Well that's all I have to say, just giving you guys a heads up and some background information.
I hope to finish the story by the end of this week.
I'm not sure what genre the story is, most likely adventure, but also not enough of adventure.
I had started the story with a moral as the skeleton, so look out for that.

And... Uh... Bye.

Fun Facts:

- The human brain is 80% water

- Sharks are immune to cancer

- About 25 000 children die every day, mostly from preventable causes

- 80% of men and 54% of women find one-night stands to be acceptable 

- The common goldfish is the only animal that can see both infra-red and ultra-violet light

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