Monday, November 28, 2011

Stomach Flu Remedies


Ok so I changed the background to a very striking one with bright colours to celebrate CHRISTMAS! :D
I LOVE Christmas. <3

 ♥ Merry Christmas ♥

Ok so I did nothing but complain in the previous post about my stomach flu... Which is actually food poisoning. Sorry about that.

Anyway, I hate doctors.
That's one of the most important things you have to know about me.
I stay as far away from medicine's as possible, because they destroy your immune system.
Medicines, especially western medicine (basically pills and serums) are made of CHEMICALS.
And, whether you like it or not, all chemicals are harmful to your body, because they destroy the ecosystem of the micro-organisms in your body.
When those systems are destroyed, that's when you get sick, but I'm not going into details.

All in all, ALL chemicals have side effects.

Do not take medicines regularly. They destroy your body and make it weak.

Furthermore, most medicines only stop the symptoms of the virus in your body.
For example coughing and sneezing and fevers- they are all symptoms that your body is unwell.
When you take medicines, you feel better, because the symptoms are cured. However, the virus is still there, it's just that you don't feel it anymore.
These symptoms are like warning bells for you to take care of your body, and it's scary to not know when you're sick.
The virus may just eat away your body and you have completely no idea until it's too late.

Again, stay away from medicines if you want to stay healthy.

Alright, I'll tell you what I did to solve my food poisoning.
Me, I can count on my fingers the number of times I've taken medicine in the past 10 years (can't account for before that since I honestly don't remember much).
So, when my body heals, I know because the symptoms will go as well.
Well, it's been 2 days and I'm almost completely fine already.
My mama taught me this.

Instead of medicine, take anything citrus. The acid kills bacteria.
You can take mango, oranges, lemons, limes for a few examples.
My mother forced me to drink lemon juice (shudder) and cranberry vinegar (double shudder) every four hours, like they're medicines.
Both had been diluted, of course. But nowhere diluted enough.
The cranberry vinegar leaves a burning feeling in the back of your throat... Ugh.

That and SLEEP WELL.

Alright that's the end of my (semi-medical) advice.
Hope y'all use this instead of medicines.

Fun Facts:

- Clinophobia is the fear of beds

- The longest cells in the human body are the motor neurones: they can reach 4.5 feet long from the lower spinal cord to the big toe

- The Atlantic Giant Squid's eye can be as large as 15.75 inches wide

- It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky

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